To take the day out...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Heavy barrels in a lake in NZ... 

And a over edited, over saturated panorama of Lake Te Anau... You must realise I am sitting in the back of a van after a long day kind of cramped and have been on a diet of nothing but toast and mi goreng... so when it comes to editing the photos Im not always sensible. I also make the panoramas from really low res shots because I have little time... Which will always make it look pretty shit... but that being said... It shows you what has been going down and the lovely sun set we had over the lake.

Caitlan and I wet to dinner had a couple of beers and watched the sun set behind the mountains and over the lake... It was very nice thank you... But now it is bed time... So I will leave you with those 2 photos to close out the day and prepare for the day ahead tomorrow.


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